Beautiful Builds with Bazel
·2681 words·13 mins
bzlmod makes bazel extremely appealing and isn’t hard to grasp for anyone already familiar with go modules. My frustration with make for complex builds led me to bazel.
Validating YAML frontmatter with JSONSchema
·735 words·4 mins
As a collection of Markdown documents grows organically, maintaining consistency is important. JSONSchema offers a way to automatically ensure frontmatter stays up to spec.
Putting Lipgloss on a Snake: Prettier Help Output for Cobra
·900 words·5 mins
Using lipgloss to abstract away the specifics of nice terminal output.
Using Taxonomy Terms in Hugo: Adding Content
·516 words·3 mins
What am I Doing?
Filtering Hugo pages by Type
·205 words·1 min
More complex Hugo sites sometimes require creating markdown files you don’t want displayed in specific listings.
Mapping Aardwolf with Graphviz and Golang
·934 words·5 mins
Maxing out your CPU for fun and profit with dense graphs, or how I’m attempting to follow through on my plan to work on projects with more visual outputs
Adding Series and Navigation links to Hugo page
·699 words·4 mins
Extending Quartz’s single.html to link between posts.
Never forget is_alert_recovery
·464 words·3 mins
Making sure PagerDuty leaves you alone
Gardening with Quartz
·1660 words·8 mins
When you want a container built right, you have to do it yourself.
Ashes to Ashes, Buffs to Buffs
·763 words·4 mins
MUDding, reflection