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Beautiful Builds with Bazel
·2681 words·13 mins
bzlmod makes bazel extremely appealing and isn’t hard to grasp for anyone already familiar with go modules. My frustration with make for complex builds led me to bazel.
Never forget is_alert_recovery
·464 words·3 mins
Making sure PagerDuty leaves you alone
Gardening with Quartz
·1660 words·8 mins
When you want a container built right, you have to do it yourself.
Copying HTML files by hand is for suckers
·1186 words·6 mins
How I built a drone instance and pipeline to publish my blog
Automating Caddy on my DigitalOcean Droplet
·712 words·4 mins
Automation ambitions fall flat
Prometheus Primer: the first few pages of the documentation
·579 words·3 mins
I’m trying to teach myself Prometheus, so I’m writing about it.