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The Gallery and the Toolbox
·900 words·5 mins
Note-taking can present an overwhelming abundance of possibility. Developing explicit mental models of your notes can grant clarity when organizing your knowledge.
Validating YAML frontmatter with JSONSchema
·735 words·4 mins
As a collection of Markdown documents grows organically, maintaining consistency is important. JSONSchema offers a way to automatically ensure frontmatter stays up to spec.
Gardening with Quartz
·1660 words·8 mins
When you want a container built right, you have to do it yourself.
Copying HTML files by hand is for suckers
·1186 words·6 mins
How I built a drone instance and pipeline to publish my blog
Gitea, git-lfs, and syncing Obsidian Vaults
·1170 words·6 mins
A brief overview of how I stood up a gitea instance for the purpose of backing up and syncing my Obsidian vault.